| PVP/XPL/289-22 | Process Validation Protocol of X-Plended 40mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-12-2022 | 01-12-2023 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/001-23 | Process validation Protocol of Lowplat 75mg Tablet due to addition of Compression Machine (T-700) | Protocol | 09-02-2023 | 08-02-2024 | 04 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/002-23 | Process validation Protocol of Galvecta plus Tablet range | Protocol | 01-02-2023 | 01-02-2025 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/003-23 | Process validation Protocol of Evofix Capusle 400mg | Protocol | 01-05-2023 | 01-04-2024 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/004-23 | Process validation Protocol of Estar 20mg Tablet | Protocol | 14-04-2023 | 13-03-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/005-23 | Process validation Protocol of Setspin 8mg Tablet | Protocol | 18-05-2023 | 17-05-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/006-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 12.5/1000 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-05-2023 | 01-04-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/007-23 | Process validation Protocol of Winzith 250 & 500 mg due to change of dryer | Protocol | 06-06-2023 | 05-05-2024 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/008-23 | Process validation Protocol of Avsar Plus 160/10/12.5mg Tablet | Protocol | 10-07-2023 | 09-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/009-23 | Process validation Protocol of X-Plended 10mg & X-plended 20 Tablet range | Protocol | 12-07-2023 | 11-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/010-23 | Process validation Protocol of Dapwiz 5 & 10mg Tablet range | Protocol | 13-07-2023 | 12-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/011-23 | Process validation Protocol of Galvecta 50mg Tablet | Protocol | 14-07-2023 | 13-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/012-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 5/500 mg Tablet | Protocol | 18-07-2023 | 17-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/013-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 5/850 mg Tablet | Protocol | 18-07-2023 | 17-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/014-23 | Process validation Protocol of Estar 10mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-07-2023 | 01-06-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/015-23 | Cleaning Validation Protocol of Erli Plus 12.5/500 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-07-2023 | 01-06-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/016-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 5/1000 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-07-2023 | 01-06-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/CVLP/PHR/017-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 12.5/850 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-07-2023 | 01-06-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/CVLP/PHR/018-23 | Process validation Protocol of Anplag 60 & 90mg Tablet range | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/019-23 | Process validation Protocol of X-plended EZ Tablet range | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2026 | 01 | OK |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/020-23 | Process validation Protocol of X-plended 5mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/021-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erlina Plus XR range | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/022-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus XR range | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2023 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/023-23 | Process validation Protocol of Lowplat Plus 150mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-08-2023 | 01-07-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/028-23 | Process validation Protocol of Telsarta -A 5/40 | Protocol | 20-09-2023 | 20-08-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/024-23 | Process validation Protocol of ZI-AD Syrup | Protocol | 11-09-2023 | 10-08-2026 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/025-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erlina range | Protocol | 05-09-2023 | 04-08-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/026-23 | Process validation Protocol of Inosita Plus 50/500 mg Tablet | Protocol | 26-09-2023 | 25-08-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/027-23 | Process validation Protocol of Dapwiz Plus XR 5/1000 mg Tablet | Protocol | 03-10-2023 | 02-09-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/029-23 | Process validation protocol of Telsarta -A range | Protocol | 20-09-2023 | 01-08-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/030-30 | Process validation Protocol of X-Plended EX range due to increase in batch size | Protocol | 25-09-2023 | 01-08-2026 | 01 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/031-23 | Process validation Protocol of Erli Plus 12.5/1000 mg Tablet | Protocol | 03-10-2023 | 02-10-2026 | 01 | |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/032-33 | Process validation Protocol of Evofix Capusle 400mg | Protocol | 01-10-2023 | 01-10-2026 | 01 | OK |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/033-23 | Process validation Protocol of Treatan Range Tablet | Protocol | 12-10-2023 | 11-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR-034-23 | Process validation Protocol of Treatan-D Tablet | Protocol | 12-10-2023 | 11-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/035-23 | Process validation Protocol of Klevra 250mg Tablet | Protocol | 13-10-2023 | 12-10-2023 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/036-23 | Process validation Protocol of Sacvin 100mg Tablet | Protocol | 14-10-2023 | 13-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/037-23 | Process validation Protocol of Shevit Tablet | Protocol | 20-10-2023 | 19-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/038-23 | Process validation Protocol of Gouric range Tablet | Protocol | 23-10-2023 | 22-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/039-23 | Process validation Protocol of Arbi-A range Tablet | Protocol | 24-10-2023 | 23-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/040-23 | Process validation Protocol of Adfolic Range Tablet | Protocol | 25-10-2023 | 24-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/041-23 | Cleaning Validation Protocol of Inosita Plus XR 50/500 addition of Fette P3030 | Protocol | 01-10-2023 | 01-09-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/042-23 | Process validation Protocol of Inosita Plus 50/1000 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-11-2023 | 01-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/043-23 | Process validation Protocol of Dapwiz Plus XR 5/500 mg Tablet | Protocol | 01-11-2023 | 01-10-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/044-23 | Process validation Protocol of Nuval 80 and 160 mg Tablet | Protocol | 17-11-2023 | 16-11-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/045-23 | Process validation Protocol of Galvecta plus Tablet range due to addition of T-700 | Protocol | 03-11-2023 | 02-11-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/046-23 | Process validation Protocol of Evorox Tablet 250mg | Protocol | 21-11-2023 | 22-11-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/047-23 | Process validation Protocol of Arbi range due to Addition of T-700 | Protocol | 13-11-2023 | 12-11-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/048-23 | Process validation Protocol of Zibes 5mg Tablet due to increase in Batch size | Protocol | 05-12-2023 | 04-12-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/049-23 | Process validation Protocol of Agoviz 25mg Tablet | Protocol | 11-12-2023 | 10-12-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/HTSP/PHR/050-23 | Hold time Study Protocol of Evoprode Plus 2/500mg Tablet | Protocol | 28-12-2023 | 28-12-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/HTSP/DPI/051-23 | Hold time Study Protocol of Tiocap capsule DPI | Protocol | 28-12-2023 | 27-12-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/052-23 | Process validation Protocol of Cefixime due to increase in batch size | Protocol | 26-12-2023 | 25-12-2026 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/053-24 | Process validation Protocol of Inosita Plus XR 5/1000 & 100/1000 | Protocol | 05-01-2024 | 04-01-2027 | 00 | |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/054-24 | Process validation Protocol of Zibes 5mg Tablet due to New API source | Protocol | 12-01-2024 | 11-01-2027 | 00 | ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/055-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Zibes 2.5mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 12-01-2024 | 12-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/056-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Shevit Tablet Due to Change in Coating Material | Protocol | 23-01-2024 | 23-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/057-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Scifix Suspension Range Due to New Launch Product | Protocol | 24-01-2024 | 24-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/058-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Arbi-D 300/12.5mg Tablet Due to Addition of T-700 Machine | Protocol | 29-01-2024 | 29-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/059-24 | Process Validation Protocol Adfolic Tablet & Adfolic OD Tablet Due to Change in Coating Material | Protocol | 29-01-2024 | 29-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/060-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Klevra 500mg Tablet Due to Addition of T-700 Machine | Protocol | 29-01-2024 | 29-01-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/061-24 | Process Validation Protocol Due to Alternate Source of Empty Hard Gelatin Shell Capsule | Protocol | 02-02-2024 | 02-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/062-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Tenova Plus 25mg Tablet Due to New Launch Product | Protocol | 02-02-2024 | 02-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/063-24 | Process Validation Protocol of X-Plended 10mg Tablet Due to Change in Coating Material | Protocol | 03-02-2024 | 03-02-2025 | 00 | OK |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/064-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Telsarta 80mg Tablet Due to Addition of T-700 Machine | Protocol | 06-02-2024 | 06-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/DPI/065-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Busonide DPI Capsule Due to Increase in Batch Size | Protocol | 07-02-2024 | 07-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/066-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Finno-Q Sachet Due to New Launch Product | Protocol | 09-02-2024 | 09-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/067-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Lidocaine 1% Inj 2ml Due to Periodic Re-Validation | Protocol | 13-02-2024 | 13-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/068-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Inosita Plus Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 15-02-2024 | 15-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/069-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Lowplat Plus 75mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 16-02-2024 | 16-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/070-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Erli Plus Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 19-02-2024 | 19-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/071-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Dapwiz 5mg & 10mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 19-02-2024 | 19-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/072-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Erli Plus XR Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 20-02-2024 | 20-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/073-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Erli Plus XR 12.5/1000mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 21-02-2024 | 21-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/074-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Securin 2.5mg Tablet Due to New Launch Product | Protocol | 21-02-2024 | 21-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/075-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Securin 5mg & 10mg Tablet Due to Reduce Batch Size | Protocol | 21-02-2024 | 21-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/076-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Sacvin 50mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 22-02-2024 | 22-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/077-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Sacvin 100mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 22-02-2024 | 22-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/078-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Evofix Suspension Range Due to Increase in Batch Size | Protocol | 22-02-2024 | 22-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/NUT/079-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Supercran Sachet Due to Change in Formulation | Protocol | 23-02-2024 | 23-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/080-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Telsarta 40mg & 80mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 23-02-2024 | 23-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/081-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Telsarta-A Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 23-02-2024 | 23-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/082-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Xcept 10mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 26-02-2024 | 26-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/083-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Xcept 2.5mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 26-02-2024 | 26-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/084-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Xcept 15mg & 20mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 26-02-2024 | 26-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/085-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Flow-Q 0.4mg Capsule Due to New Launch Product | Protocol | 27-02-2024 | 27-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/086-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Empty Gelatin Shell Capsule Due to New API Source | Protocol | 27-02-2024 | 27-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/CEP/087-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Cezox / Scifix Suspension Range Due to Increase in Batch Size | Protocol | 28-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/088-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Evopride Plus 1/500mg & 2/500mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 28-02-2024 | 28-02-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/089-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Inosita Plus XR Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 01-03-2024 | 01-03-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/090-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Zibes 10mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 04-03-2024 | 04-03-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/091-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Telsarta 20mg Tablet Due to New API Source | Protocol | 05-03-2024 | 05-03-2025 | 00 | Ok |
| QAV/PVLP/PHR/092-24 | Process Validation Protocol of Galvecta Plus Tablet Range Due to New API Source | Protocol | 05-03-2024 | 05-03-2025 | 00 | Ok |